Alexa what day is it ?
Ohhh it’s Thursday? thank you I had forgotten
What am I doing today?
I’m drinking from my bucket of coffee having a think about this
After a dog walk I think I will clear my driveway of weeds and then clean the car
Nothing sparkling ,
Just satisfying .
A courier driver has just dropped off a package
No more glorious scotch eggs I’m afraid
But something quite special nevertheless
Four 1950 American diner coffee mugs!
Years ago I bought one on a trip to New York
And I loved its curves which always reminded me of one of those classy American Art Deco bathtubs
I loved that mug, which sounds an odd thing to say given the fact it was only a mug,
But I did,
And when I smashed it , during one of my dyspraxic attacks
I cried like a baby.
Now I have four replacements
given my dyspraxia , the law of averages seem to be on my side
Hopefully I will always have one functioning mug
To lovingly cuddle every morning
What inanimate belonging do you love?
I’d be interested to hear