
I believe that the film "Our Souls at Night" came out in 2016. Starring Robert Redford and Jane Fonda it  was a light-hearted suburban feel-good romp with many comical moments. If you want to know more about it  you can search on Google. You might even have watched it.

Over here in England, for reasons I could not at first understand, the title of the film caused much amusement. I remember that chat show host Graham Norton tittering about it during his interview with Jane Fonda. She looked as non-plussed as I felt.  What was so funny?

Here in Yorkshire we pronounce our vowels clearly. Let us focus on the first word of the title. If someone accidentally hit you with a cricket bat you would probably shout out "Ow!" not "Ah!". Taking the "Ow!" that's how Yorkshire folk would pronounce the first part of "Our". In contrast posh southerners in the London area would say "Ahr".

Southerners have similar difficulties in pronouncing "flower" and "tower" for example. The way they say "tower" is almost  exactly the same as  the "tar" that you find on the surface of  paved roads. Anyway, when reading this film title aloud  they would say  "Arseholes at Night". It's no wonder that up here in Yorkshire we did not get the joke.

A film about arseholes in the night would not appeal to me but I guess that some visitors to this corner of The Blogosphere  (mentioning no names) would be gripped by it.

By the way, as well as having a literal meaning that involves buttocks, hairs and pimples , an "arsehole" can be a certain type of obnoxious human being - as with the American word "asshole". Examples of "arseholes" are trolls who patrol Blogworld, spammers,  Vladimir Putin, Nigel Farage and Elon Musk.

By the way, Robert Redford and Jane Fonda are definitely not arseholes in my humble opinion. They have made some great films and in addition to that have both done a lot of good in the world.  She is now 85 years old and he is 86.

from Yorkshire Pudding

Forty observations continued

 9.  After a tearful therapy session yesterday, I have some things to think on. I’ve had unrealistic expectations of self. I can’t meet them. It does make me less of a person. It makes me a real one. A person who needs to let some fears go. I can’t expect perfection, even if I know it doesn’t exist. 

10. I’m brutally honest with self and not others. That needs to change. I’m downright disrespectful to self. How can I demand love from others when I treat myself like pond scum. Kindness is to be directed at the women whose sad countenance I too often see in the mirror. 

11. I’m proud of what I’ve accomplished. I often focus on what I’ve not done, that I don’t take the time to acknowledge my achievements. I am proud that I show up here every day, and leave it all here for the world to see. I a beautiful yet flawed being on a journey to acceptance from self whether or not I ever receive it from the world. 

12. I defy expectations every day. It’s time I take time to appreciate how far I’ve come. Let me say intellectually and medically, I wasn’t supposed to graduate college or by thirty I’d be in a wheelchair. At almost forty, I use a cane, but I walk. The college degree is framed on the wall. I look at it every so often. I’ve walked across Italy and Canada. I’m seeing a world many like me don’t have access to it. I’m grateful. Blessed is not a strong enough word for the access I’ve had, that is denied to so many. 

13. Life may not be fair, but it can still be good. It’s been better than I could explain. I have a lot of issues, but if I were to make a pros and cons list, the pros would take it in a landslide. Find the good. Actively seek it. Please. Take it from me, your mental health may depend on it. I wish I were kidding. 

from R's rue