

Earlier today, a popular international blogger  from Sheffield was trampled
to death by a frisky herd of young Jersey cows as he was walking across a field
at Stancil Farm north of  Tickhill, South Yorkshire.

Known as "Yorkshire Pudding", the 67 year old blogger was lawfully walking 
on a designated public footpath when the forty strong herd came thundering
across the field towards him.

He yelled at the young cows and waved his arms but they were not in the mood
 for mercy. They surrounded Mr Pudding nudging him and pushing heavily
against him until he stumbled and fell to the ground.

The leader of the assailants was a deranged cow called Buttercup who was 
the first to tread upon the retired teacher bringing her full weight of 
approximately 70 stones upon her screaming victim's chest. 

The other cows followed Buttercup's example and a few minutes later
Mr Pudding breathed his last breath.

Owner of the herd,  Farmer Boris Hogg of Stancil Farm  said, "I was having a 
mug of tea and reading my "Farmer's Weekly". I didn't hear a thing."

Senior Ambulance Woman, Dolly O'Toole (aged 34) attended the tragic 
scene an hour after the event and later said that Mr Pudding had been 
"flattened like a pancake - or to be more accurate like a margarita pizza."

Yorkshire Pudding leaves a wife, son, daughter, son-in-law, two brothers 
and a baby granddaughter called Phoebe - along with thousands of 
grieving supporters and heartbroken friends from across the 
world of blogging.
The last photo - found on Mr Pudding's camera

from Yorkshire Pudding


 Forgiving myself

is a daily act 

of grace


is a daily reminder

Cerebral Palsy

makes an appearance

Every day

What I tried

to wish away

is always with me

That is why

I must make

a call everyday

to the only One

who gives me perseverance 

to make those calls

deal with difficulty

and understand

that I have to 

make the decision

to be proactive

Cherish your health

and love yourself

no matter what

it costs

from R's rue


 How are you doing

My sweet friends 

On this beautiful 

Friday morn

Love and hugs

From my heart 

To yours

from R's rue

In The Garden


It’s a glorious day, bright and sunny.
I haven’t done a great deal but wash my new duvet set that Dorothy thoughtfully pissed upon last night and pot up the little french half hanging basket by the front door which had dried out in the dry spell we’re having. 
Sea Pinks or drift as it is also known as, wasn’t my first choice for potting up but I think they will look nice flanked by simple white violas , against the old stone of the cottage walls.
I repaired my gargoyle , fixing him back on his plinth with some fixative and spoke to Mrs Trellis as I brushed the paths free of blown rubbish.
“ I knew you were in “ she observed “ there is washing on the field gate” 
Dorothy dozed on the lawn as I watered the planters
And as she looked so comfortable  I laid down next to her in full view of passers by and promptly fell asleep

from Going Gently