In The Garden


It’s a glorious day, bright and sunny.
I haven’t done a great deal but wash my new duvet set that Dorothy thoughtfully pissed upon last night and pot up the little french half hanging basket by the front door which had dried out in the dry spell we’re having. 
Sea Pinks or drift as it is also known as, wasn’t my first choice for potting up but I think they will look nice flanked by simple white violas , against the old stone of the cottage walls.
I repaired my gargoyle , fixing him back on his plinth with some fixative and spoke to Mrs Trellis as I brushed the paths free of blown rubbish.
“ I knew you were in “ she observed “ there is washing on the field gate” 
Dorothy dozed on the lawn as I watered the planters
And as she looked so comfortable  I laid down next to her in full view of passers by and promptly fell asleep

from Going Gently

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