Village News?

Mary, Dorothy and I walked up the Gop yesterday afternoon.
It was humid and showery and we three sat on the summit for a while sweating and panting in the heat.
Mary leaned against me as Welsh terrier do and watched the village
Dorothy just lolled her eyes a bit and watched me.
I have never had such a needy dog.
I stroke her to keep her still and calm

The village is changing as the lockdown changes.
It’s busier in traffic and shopping is almost back to normal so the Street wardens now have little to do and the Velvet Voiced Linda now no longer texts her weekly roll call to the 40 souls who secretly love her words of praise and encouragement .
The pub remains closed and somewhat desolate but the Community association remains stalwart and focused under its firm leadership so I am sure the future of the Memorial Hall will be safe.
It should be.
I hope it will be.

Cameron hasn’t finished photoshopping the group photos he took the other month . He’s been busy at work which is lucky as so many people seem to be worried about their jobs. Trendy Carol is busy too and looks tired when I saw her last....mind you I looked like the wreck of the Hesperus after so many night shifts .....she was just too polite to say so.

I caught Mrs Trellis out, and was surprised to find her uncharacteristically curt.
I had not upset her , I was sure if that so I chalked it up to her having a bad day.
Her bobble hat mirrored her Black mood and looked stiff and tight lipped

Meirion Jones on the other hand was his usual chatty self and it was an age and a mass of plant information later before I could get away for home.
I see that the Royle’s house on London Road has sold and the new people were moving in today...lots of toys in the van.....a family !  which is great news.

As we turned by the church I waved at the young mom and her kiddies from Bron Haul .She had been counting the pebbles in the vicar’s decorated Covid Snake 
Over 80!!!!!” She called and I gave her the thumbs up
The vicar will be pleased.

It feels like a storm is brewing


This photo kind of broke my heart just a little
It’s a photo of my nephew
Well it’s actually a photo of my ex husbands nephew but
Him and me have always been in touch since the break up, and so I see him as my own

He sent me the photo yesterday.. a return gift after I sent him a baby photo of him and his uncle,a photo. I found sandwiched away in my bookcase in a tarnished silver frame.

It’s unlikely we shall meet, he lives in Broadstairs down in Kent, but I’m determined to be one of those Uncles who writes and texts and who talks movies in the middle of the night

I will get the photo framed
A slightly gauche teenager
With a Star Wars t shirt .....and a wide grin

Hey ho