
Up at "The Hammer & Pincers" last night, my two quiz friends Mike and Mick made good use of their smartphones. Not to cheat - because the quiz was over by then. No, they were sharing videos of a talking dog called Deefa.

Deefa is foul-mouthed  so if swearing upsets or annoys you, you may not want to activate the videos below. You have been warned!

And here's another video starring Deefa:-

from Yorkshire Pudding


 In the overcast skies this morning, I take a breath and soak it all in. I’ve had to reset for a bit. Writing has saved me yet frustrated me. I never stopped, but I lost my fire. I lost my joy. I had to go back to square one. The teenage me who reveled in the written word. I won’t be Vonnegut or Tolstoy, but I can be me. I’ve had to be honest. I’ve had to ask myself why I write. 

Once I started to answer that question, could I find my footing. It’s been an interesting time. Is my joy totally back?  Not yet. Is my confidence back?  No. I continue to push ahead until I find it. Keep moving. Keep going. I refuse to let my mind tell me I’m not good enough. 


As I journey on

Give me joy

Give me peace

Even if

This is

Where my 

Success remains

I want more

But I

Want Your


Most of all

from R's rue