What I was trying to do with this sketch is illustrate the way the beach looked in Pismo on a beautiful morning back in November. 

I had walked out of the hotel and down the steps to the sand and towards the cliffs when I saw what appeared..... because of the early strong sunlight reflecting on the areas where high tide had been before it flowed back to the ocean------
------ puddles of gold colored water.   It was a beautiful sight. There must have been 10 or more egrets and many seagulls out there feasting on what the tide had brought in for breakfast.   

This was a sketch done pretty quick just so I could put one up for today - we will be leaving in awhile to go to our son's house to babysit the "beast" who is a huge puppy, a  Neopolitan Mastiff while our son and his wife attend a comedy show tonight in San Diego. 

Besides the birds and one other person out there with a dog it was so silent and peaceful and a great way to start my morning.