
Assassin bug

We share this planet with many different creatures and some of them can kill us. What are the figures in an average year? Coming in at Number 10 - it's lions...
Animal Humans killed per year
10. Lions 200
9. Hippos 500
8. Elephants 600
7. Crocodiles 1,000
6. Scorpions 3,300
5. Assassin Bugs 10,000
4. Dogs 59,000
3. Snakes 138,000
2. Humans 400,000
1. Mosquitoes 725,000
Yes, that's right, the biggest killers of all are mosquitoes! I doubt that this will come as any great surprise to anyone.

The only killer on the list that I had not even heard of was  the assassin bug. It spreads the deadly Chagas disease in parts of Central and South America. You can pick it up from bites or through the faeces of this dangerous creature. In fact, there around 7000 known species of the assassin bug and not all of them impact fatefully upon humans.

Actually, now that I have found out a little about assassin bugs, I realise that there is a whole lot more to know and no doubt there are entomologists who devote years to studying them. However, you will be delighted to learn that I have decided not to follow that path.
An assassin bug may use the corpses of its victims as camouflage

from Yorkshire Pudding



In the shower

It’s where

No distractions


Just the 

Scent of cucumbers

And the need

To expel


And sing

Some John Denver

Picturing those

Country roads

That bring peace

Because they’re 

Rarely used

Or traveled

Loving the silence

I detested

For years

Until what 


Is more imperative

Than what 

Is desired

from R's rue