

All through that night
And into the following day
It rained.
We tried to shelter
In the lee of trees
By the crossroads
Where we used to play -
Fine at first
The droplets grew,
Plothering from oak leaves
Under that leaden sky
Till sodden the verges
And the old road
Muttering rivulets
Flowed down Harrison's Hill
Gurgling to gutters
Replete with water
While wet as fish
We splashed home
In the endless rain,
The endless

from Yorkshire Pudding https://ift.tt/iA5YP0z



Caress the clavicle

As I lounge

On a chaise

With a martini

And a romance novel

In my hands

As I thumb

Through the pages

A little bichon

Comes to lick

My fingertips

Wondering if treats

Are in my tote

None are found

But now

That face 

Has captured 

My attention

I have never

Met a more darling


Would now

Be snoozing

Between my legs

Sunscreen is 

Best friend

Because I can’t 

Be bothered

The pooch’s

Desires come

Before my own

Funny that’s how

God works too

What a thought

A blissful scene

Brought me back

To the author 

Of it all

from R's rue https://ift.tt/QmjyhsL