
Okay these ten questions are just a random bunch that you might be asked in a pub quiz. Good luck! Answers in the comments section as usual but try not to peep!


1. Which European country is shown in this outline map?

2. J.D.Vance is to be Donald Trump's running mate in the forthcoming presidential election but what do the initials J and D stand for?
(a) Jeremy Douglas  (b) Jonathan Duncan  (c) James David (d) Jesus Donald

3. This is the flag of a country in the southern hemisphere but which country is it?

4. Who is the current prime minister of Australia?
(a) Rolf Harris (b) Anthony Albanese (b) Paul Hogan (c) Edmund Barton

5. What is this African animal?

6. Which country is the world's top producer of cocoa beans?
(a) Ivory Coast (b) Indonesia (c) Canada (d) Cameroon

7. This man was a successful country and popular singer in the 1950s and early 1960s but who was he?

8. Sweden has a single house parliament but what is called?
(a) The  Marknadsföra (b) The Fältskog (c) The  Östersjön (d) The Riksdag

9. Please name this children's cartoon character:-

10. Which is the least populous American state of these four?
(a) North Dakota (b) New Mexico (c) Wyoming (d) Alaska

from Yorkshire Pudding https://ift.tt/Jvu9mT8


 I had a different post I was going to write. The Lord put on my favorite song, and said no ma’am. I’m taken back to a sermon yesterday taking about being fruitful in the place of your suffering. This one statement has thrown me for a loop. I don’t know what it looks like to be fruitful right now. What I’m realizing is that every ninety days I get a reprieve from my suffering. It lasts for sixty. The next thirty, suffering and I are reacquainted. So right now, I’m on the every day is a gift. I don’t like suffering, but I’m intimately aware of its presence. 

Right now, I’m in a holding pattern where I don’t know what comes next. Life is a mystery. I get to unwrap it each day. Each day I wake without pain is hitting the lottery even when I look at my checkbook, and there aren’t many zeroes. I’m honestly convinced my current state is because God wants my undivided attention. I don’t need things. I need Him. I don’t need the world to tell me a sale will complete me. 

So right now. Pain free means taking meds, stretch and get on my bike. Sweat and let the world fall away. Your health dictates for you that social media is not your friend. All you find is a fantasy not based in reality. Take a walk later, and say hi to my creatures. Marvel in creation. Go back to basics. I love you. 

Love yourself and one another


from R's rue https://ift.tt/xhtgLWP