
This is a song and a story from the north east of England - specifically the city of Sunderland and even more specifically The Wearmouth Bridge. It was there in 2018 that an eighteen year old girl called Paige Hunter wrestled with the possibility of killing herself.

At the age of fourteen, she had been raped by a stranger and ever after she lived in mental torment. Standing on that bridge she was coaxed  down by two men in a van. In effect they saved her life.

In the years that have followed, Paige has regularly returned to the  bridge in order to tie tiny notes to the structure - notes that encourage potentially suicidal people to stop and think again.

A local band called The Young 'Uns picked up Paige's story and turned it into a song called "Tiny Notes". This video gives a taste of the song as well as an interview with Paige Hunter. I guess a lot of suicides could be thwarted by kindness - by people reaching out. Very often you don't need to die - there's a way forward for those who live with despair...

from Yorkshire Pudding