(A side note)  As I looked at this sketch again, it reminds me of the way the atmosphere looked when we were under a tornado watch when I was a kid in Kansas City - it's hard to describe what I mean - but just saying ...that's what I felt like as I looked at the sketch after I posted it.)

Every time, which has been about five times that I've been to Bend, Oregon to visit family, I take a photograph of this house that sits on a residential corner right across from Deschutes River that runs through town - this section of the river is called Mirror Pond.  This pond is amazing as at a certain time of year and depending on the angle of the sunlight mirrors perfectly the houses that sits along the banks of the river.

But aside from my love affair with Mirror Pond - I have taken so many photos through the years of houses that I want to sketch.  Doing the daily sketches is kind of a reason now to begin to continue to sketch my favorite houses.  I tried sketching this house before, kind of a side view about four years ago - and didn't like it.  So another attempt and I like it better this time.

A question for those who asked about Netflix binges - wondering what you binge on, if you do that is.  I answered with a few of the programs I watched in the past, in my  comment on the post before this.