
On Wednesday, Little Phoebe was having dinner at our house. Spoon control was shared between my wife and the little princess herself. In the picture above you can see how she's tucking in to her dessert - banana slices in custard.
I chuckled as I observed how much dinner  had missed the cake hole. This is best seen in the next picture where evidence of her earlier lasagne bake can be seen on her nose, chin, cheeks and forehead.

It is to be hoped that by the time she reaches adulthood she will be able to hit the target with more precision.

She remains such a joy, brightening our lives as she progresses day by day. We are so privileged to see her so often and to play a significant role in her care and development. Sometimes we ache with love.

from Yorkshire Pudding https://ift.tt/r0kyvA6

Paradise By the Dashboard Light

I’m not travelling again by plane for a while. My next trip is not until Oct! The message that our flight was cancelled was given by an unfortunate red faced airport worker flanked by two policemen at our boarding gate. 
Look on the Ryan Air App was their only advice 
I’ve not long got home.
Gorgeous Dave is a calm soul but even he was a little disappointed ( note the sad eyes) 
We sang Paradise by the dashboard light on the way home which was fun

from Going Gently https://ift.tt/euzNZLn


 I’m learning 

I must have 

Faith in 

My ability 

To thrive

Not merely survive

from R's rue https://ift.tt/baQdZPf

Fat Rascal

 I wrote today’s blog early this morning but felt dissatisfied with it
This is a quick, insipid blog filler.
Four fat Rascals were delivered  today
I’ve put them in the freezer to be enjoyed on an autumn evening with a nice cup of tea
It’s hot and humid and I haven’t packed yet.
Off to Rome later

from Going Gently https://ift.tt/HLKBkN2