

Give me

The will

To be kind

When I’m fraying

The light is flickering

And my cranky ways

Haven’t found the door

from R's rue

At last

 Islwyn has been casting his little bits of magic again.
Nothing huge , but my wheelie bin now has an elasticated latch which stops it flapping open in the wind of the three named storms which has hit home recently.
He’s the sort to do jobs like these. 
No fanfare no lectures 
Just a little kindness.

My sisters both made me a cooked dinner last night too, which was a treat. 
I’m still somewhat rough with another kidney infection and they think I need looking after .
Today the heating engineer rang and asked if he could come and do the chimney lining today instead of Friday . 
I couldn’t say no, but could have done without the subsequent mess 
He had an apprentice who forgot he was wearing soot and charcoal covered working boots all around the living room  
And I caught him red faced, frantically trying to get rid of the evidence with some kitchen paper.
I told him not to worry , but it’s been a bugger to get rid of , even with my trusty carpet cleaner.  
I can relight the fire tomorrow 

At last

from Going Gently


The mask above is available online for only £2.99 plus postage and packing from the Harlequin Fancy Dress & Party Store . This is, genuinely, the accompanying text:-

Become your favourite politician! Vladimir Putin.

Mask-arade face masks are Fantastic Fun for any occasion. These flat, printed cardboard face masks are guaranteed to turn heads, create smiles and laughter and get your party off to the greatest start.

All Mask-arade stock face masks are manufactured using the latest print technology and only use responsibly sourced, high quality FSC white card. All masks come with eye holes and attached elastic.

I wonder which party they are referring to? The Communist Party?

It is rumoured that Putin has his own personal supply of these masks. If he hasn't shaved or looks bedraggled after a late vodka-fuelled night playing "Fortnite" on his phone, he simply dons a new mask. As his face is usually expressionless and his lips hardly move, nobody notices when he is wearing one of these masks.

Donald Trump and Boris Johnson masks are also available from the same supplier but for them you need an exceptionally large head - about the size of a basketball. In contrast, Putin is a weenie little fellow with wedges in his heels to make him look taller. He is exactly the same height as Adolf Hitler was. He also suffered from LMS (Little Man Syndrome).

from Yorkshire Pudding