Impulse Cushion

I'm slightly obsessed with cushions
It's a well known fact
Ok cushions come fifth in my obsession stakes
( behind Scotch Eggs, The Walking Dead, Chris Pratt, and my dogs) 
But the obsession is there

Here is my latest cushion bought from Lidl yesterday

How good is that?
Fabulous !!
I'm at work Thursday and Friday long days this week
It's a bit stressful .....
I will tell you about that laters if I can


The page talked about her two parakeets Basil and Sage who apparently have found a way to open their cage or... someone has let them out again.

I've been busy with my own life lately and also not really inspired at all to sketch so luckily for me, Maria herself is using her diary pages as a sketch journal.  it will be fun for me to see what i find as I take a peak here and
there.  Amazing that I chose to open to a date and read that Roosevelt was
having his second inauguration.

It also appears Maria enjoys ghostly novels.


The high tension of yesterday's dog versus cat war dissipated this morning after I had taken the younger girls out for a long walk, but taking no chances I brought Winnie into the front garden where I knew Albert would follow.
The weather is glorious and I've planted  a sapling staghorn Surmac, by the front gate, where the old Californian lilac tree used to be. It will give height and colour to that part of the garden.
Meirion ( he who has the best garden in Trelawnyd) stopped to chat, he was impressed with my new planting....( I gave credit to my sister)
He's got a lovely agapanthus collection by the way!!!
Ohhh err missus!

Lazily I planted day lilies and cosmos as Albert cuddled Winnie in the sun.
As she snored , I noticed that he cupped her face with his paws and daydreamed by watching the clouds roll by.
Their friendship is a real one of affection

The only mini drama today was a quick visit by Jason the Affable despot who was after first aid for daughter Liv who had come off her bike.
I dug out antiseptic and plasters and told her it looked worse than it was.
She's a trouper and didn't need bullshitting  !

Bike ride later
My gusset has recovered
Hey ho