
Though I say it myself, I think the image shown above is a good one. I have walked along that path a hundred times or more. It leads to Lenny Hill on the edge of Blacka Moor, close to the suburban village of Dore where the Laitner murders took place in 1983.

I took the photograph at around midday yesterday having decided to grab some exercise before preparing yet another Sunday dinner. Once again, I drove Clint out of the city, past Whirlow Brook Park, "The Dore Moor Inn" and the Sheffield Tigers rugby ground. Then I turned down Whitelow Lane before taking a right to the end of Shorts Lane and that's where I parked Clint. He has waited there many times.

Having been rather unwell for a few days, I was not going to rush the circular walk which usually takes me just over an hour so I simply plodded along steadily taking occasional rests. I arrived in the hideaway hamlet of Totley Bents where I took yet another picture of "The Cricket Inn" across the council-owned recreation ground.  Sunshine was playing hide and seek with drifting cumulus clouds as you might tell from the front shadow.

Before long, I passed palatial Avenue Farm on my way to Redcar Brook. Water from Storm Babet continues to drain from the moors and Redcar Brook was racing to its meeting with Blacka Brook and thence to Limb Brook and The River Sheaf after which Sheffield was named... field by the Sheaf > Sheafeld > Sheffield.
I had snapped a picture from roughly the same spot on August 1st 2022 when the stream had totally dried up following our driest July on record...

Finally, a picture I took at the old weir on Redcar Brook near Avenue Farm. Usually, the water is no more than a trickle at that point but yesterday it was making thunder.

Even a short walk is good medicine for the soul and now I was happy to get stuck into the peeling, chopping, stirring and roasting ahead of the arrival of Princess Phoebe and her entourage.

from Yorkshire Pudding


 What I feed my mind

Goes to the soul

Reaches the mouth

My tongue

Better be ready

To sing praise

Not spew rage

Learning to feed my soul carefully and purposefully. I don’t want to be angry of jealous. I want to trust that as I wait, the JOY of the Lord is mine. I hope my work done in this space is pleasing to Your service. Love yourself and one another. 

from R's rue