There is snow on the ground this morning, probably just 2 inches but by evening time is when the big storm comes in. 

This pen work was done by my paternal grandfather, probably at least 70 or more years ago.  He did beautiful pen and ink work and I only have a handful of his art and I'm grateful for every little piece of it which was mostly his cartoons.  He was a prolific artist and writer.

This was his Christmas card he created one year.  Some how (lucky me) I ended up with one of his cards he had printed up.  I had found it in an envelope that my dad had at our house when he lived with us for awhile after my mom died back in the 80's.

I took a photo of it but it isn't as clear as I would like.  I'm fascinated by his beautiful pen work.

Hope your day is wonderful~~  See you on the back side tomorrow.