Pilgrims, Comets & Love and paracetamol

The walkers on the pilgrim walk turned up at St Michael’s around five pm. At least a dozen villagers turned up with cakes and tea and water bottles and good wishes  to greet them which was a welcomed first. Our jovial vicar David Lewis ( far left) was on hand too.
I do like him, he’s a sweet good natured soul. 

After that My friend Ruth and I went to Theatre Clwyd for an outdoor production off Catching Comets 
Which had a lot to say about the fragile nature of the male psychi in relation to love and relationships ..it was a pity there were only 20 people in the audience.
An intelligent and stimulating one man show 

I loved the venue ….when light fell on the outdoor stage…the huge brick wall of the East Wing of Theatre Clwyd stood illuminated as a back drop to the  drama….it felt like our own local Tate Modern.

I got home around ten pm and was stopped surprisingly by neighbour Trevor as I walked the dogs in the lane .
He’s 95 and rather breathlessly was brandishing a quality bottle of white wine, his trousers flapping.
This Is for you .” He said, offering me the bottle 
Whatever for ?” I asked him
Apparently I had given. him some advice a week ago about what dosages of  paracetamol to take for a painful shoulder.
“ I have my own personal doctor “ he quipped
“ And I had the best night’s sleep ever!”

And I smiled

I’m so happy to live in a place which I’m known, liked and valued
And if that sounds rather saccharine 
So be it

from Going Gently https://ift.tt/3tgdsmu

Life Finds A Way

 So said Ian Malcolm in Jurassic Park
This delicate Welsh Poppy , I found growing valiantly by the kitchen wall this morning
I loved it’s chutzpah 
Got the pilgrims to sort out shortly then an outdoor play Chasing Comets at Theatre Clwyd 
Night shift last night

from Going Gently https://ift.tt/3jJspuf