
It was a good weekend. My old friend, Tony, invited me over to Beverley in the very heart of East Yorkshire. It's where I went to school and where Tony now lives with his second wife, Pauline.

We drove into the nearby city of Hull. The team I have supported for sixty years were playing Plymouth Argyle. But Tony had not only bought me a match ticket, he had paid for a "prestige" package that involved a lunch, free drinks, great seats next to the directors' box  and so on.
High Esk Lake  by The River Hull

At halftime, we looked up at the big screen and a  digital birthday greeting came on wishing me a happy 70th birthday "from Tony".  I have waited for fame all my life and now I had it. Of course the crowd cheered wildly when they saw my name.

Though Hull City deserved to win, we ended up drawing the match with Plymouth. The final score was 1-1.
The River Hull north of Hull Bridge

Back in Beverley, we visited Nellie's. Its real name is "The White Horse" and it is my favourite pub in the whole world. Right next to St Mary's Church, it is an authentic  Victorian pub in which time has stood still. I first went in there when I was seventeen - 53 years ago. It is little changed.

On Sunday morning, in spite of the inclement weather forecast, we  drove out of the old market town to undertake a four mile walk east of   The River Hull and it was on this walk that I snapped the attached pictures.
Cattle by The River Hull at Arram Carrs

from Yorkshire Pudding https://ift.tt/mAXdSNy

Sunday prayer


These letters continue. And they continue because I’m a human wholly in need of You. I need You to be at the center of who I am. I don’t like who I am without You. I’m a selfish and impatient sort who wants what others have. With You, You remind me that I am not what I feel. You remind me to trust You even if I don’t understand why. You remind me not to ask why. Why leads to a resentment I can’t carry. These past few days have been exhausting. My body has needed rest. It demanded it. Physically I have resisted rest. Mentally, I’ve done the same. God stepped in once again. For the first time, the whole of me let rest call the shots. The best decision ever. 

Pray that

I may trust


To be

The anchor

That holds

My feet

Firmly rooted


So I can bloom

When ready

Pray for me. Trying to rid myself of worldly desires is harder than I thought. Thank you

from R's rue https://ift.tt/UJhACMB