
Many years ago there was an art show aimed at children on BBC Television. At first, it was called "Take Hart" and the genius behind it was the late Tony Hart. He had promoted art in earlier children's shows too including "Vision On" and "Playbox".

Somewhere along the line - round about 1977, Tony Hart came up with a terracotta coloured plasticine man called Morph who gradually became a regular feature of  "Take Hart" and "Hartbeat". Morph starred in short scenes on Tony Hart's studio desk where there were paintbrushes, rubbers, rolls of tape and various other everyday items. The concept was both simple and endearing.

Much later, Morph was adopted bt the Aardman animations people who spawned Wallace and Gromit  as well as Shaun the Sheep. But I think I am right in saying that Morph was the plasticine  daddy of them all. He came first and later he was joined by his mischievous pal Chas who was lighter in colour but otherwise looked just like Morph.

Recently, I introduced my granddaughter Phoebe to Morph and at present she loves him. She has watched a lot of funny Morph shows.  He and Chas do not speak in intelligible phrases but you always know what they are saying. Each mini-episode is put together brilliantly by patient animators who are clearly still very much enthused by their work - just as Tony Hart was.

Here are two more recent  "Morph" episodes I have picked to share with you. He has come a long way since Tony Hart first moulded him. Enjoy!

from Yorkshire Pudding

tips to lips

 Reigning in

My anxiety

Is like 


A bull

Into submission 




What you

Ask of me

Can I 

Do it

Rid myself

Of selfish need

For instant gratification 

Instead of awaiting

The will

Of a beautiful 

Father  who

Invites me

Into His arms

Will I accept

And trust

What I 

Can’t see

Yet has

Never forgotten me

A friend asked 

What was 

Troubling me

It’s the

What ifs




He answers

My plight

By bringing

His power

From tips

To lips

I am


I am

from R's rue