Rainy day

Here again 



And a coffee cup

What are you doing today?

from R's rue


Every actress has to start somewhere...

from Yorkshire Pudding

The Horror Of Old Cat Food


Ever since he was a kitten, Albert has been fed on the window ledge in the kitchen.
Like most cats, he’s a faddy eater, so at any one time , foul smelling , pieces of meat, licked clean of gravy , sit in his bowl like some nasty witches’ brew. 
I have to remind myself to empty and clean Albert’s bowls and in an attempt to recycle any old food, I tend to hurl the contents over the garden wall, and lane into the Churchyard where the rooks from Well Street swoop down to consume it.
Now a while ago now , I once flung a bowl of wet left over pasta into the graveyard only to pepper the side of a farmer’s land rover as it passed unexpectedly and I’ve narrowly missed shaving the top of village Leader Ian’s electric “Creeping Jesus” car, with a stale hard half bagel 
Today I peppered neighbour Mandy with two day old kitty Kat as she hurried past, but at least she was laughing as I belted out an apology. 
It’s a beautiful day today.
It’s the vicar’s meeting this afternoon outlining the possible future of the church, he’s meeting on the grass near the prayer cross
I won’t tell him I’ve been chucking kitty kat into the cemetery 

from Going Gently