
"H is for Hawk" by Helen Macdonald was published to much acclaim in 2014. Though there are many side-tracks, it is essentially the true story of how the author acquired and trained a young goshawk, learning to live with it, feed it and gain its trust.  This is a very emotional journey for each of them. Helen doubts herself and the tactics she employs - often based upon her extensive research  into the history of falconry but she gets there in the end. She calls her hawk Mabel.

Evolution over millennia has made Mabel an expert predator. Everything about her - from her mighty  talons to the various kinds of feathers on her back to her eyesight and her curved beak - they are all about killing her prey and surviving. Such  a bird cannot be tamed but a patient falconer might succeed in building a workable partnership.
In the spaces between the lines, the book is haunted by the memory of Helen Macdonald's late father Alisdair. He meant a great deal to her and she loved him entirely. That sense of loss is woven into her relationship with Mabel.

Okay - I could write a whole lot more about the book but suffice it to say that I finished it down by the pool this afternoon. It was a most enjoyable read. In my memory it will always be associated with Sicily.

Tomorrow - Mount Etna and Taormina if we can manage to get up in time.

from Yorkshire Pudding https://ift.tt/3UMN4Ae


 These are my thoughts for today


You are using physical therapy as a way to excise the mental demons that invade my soul. As my body strengthens, my soul releases the agony of what it cannot do. I’m looking squarely at the problem. The one between the ears. For all I can do, my focus is on what I cannot. And that has to change. I will never truly be happy if I don’t come to acceptance. Every time I think I’ve come to acceptance, life comes to show me how wrong I am. I’m starting to accept that acceptance is a daily practice in surrender. Acceptance right now is surrendering my need to have it all figured out. Not every issue can be fixed on my timetable. I’m chewing on that right now. It might be a long swallow. I’m also realizing that my issues are deeply rooted. As long as I’m living I will come in daily contact with them. That is okay. Maybe the problem is that I’m fighting the wrong thing.  God hasn’t got rid of the problem. Maybe it’s because this lifelong issue drove me to Himself, and keeps me seated there. I’m under no illusion that God may not rid me of what ails me, if He keeps receiving glory through my life. Love each other and yourself

from R's rue https://ift.tt/kHhBIUv