The Ticking

My day off therapy has a a three or four hour cleaning element to it
I've filled glass jugs with garden buddleia and opened the windows wide so the butterflies can come and go like miniature angels.
I've even found the key to my grandfather clock, which after being silent so long is ticking away so loudly that Albert came downstairs all wide eyed to see what the commotion was all about.
There is something quite restful about the ticking of an old clock .

I've washed my uniforms and the cheerful blue of them provides a colourful backdrop to the garden as they dry in the sun, hung swinging from the beams above the patio.
As I worked I listened , with interest to the eloquent speech by Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez as she replied to insults dished out by her fellow congressman Ted Yoho who referred to her as a " fucking Bitch" 
If you haven't heard it, try to , it's a wonderfully powerfull and important speech.

More therapy now

Making sour dough bread and soup , and will video call some friends later
Oh and there's a meeting of the Memorial Hall Commitee at 2pm
To look at fundraising !!!

The clock is still ticking, I started it just after nine