Sunday morning.
Coffee and eggs.
The Archers
A walk around the village
The main road is quieter on Sundays so Dorothy was able to negotiate our way without the usual hysterics.
Few people are about
I waved at Nick and velvet voiced Linda who were having breakfast at their kitchen table and to gwawr out in her car. But I saw no one else.
Most of the neat gardens are still retaining their colour.
Stan’s dahlias look marvellous, and the rubekkia at Graham’s are still a stand out but I did notice that the garden around the hall look a little untidy and overgrown .
I will see if I can get a few volunteers together to help me tidy it up
The rain started as soon as we got home.
That fine rain that soaks you immediately .
I’ve ordered a dvd which will, surprisingly will be delivered today ( I thought there was a shortage of delivery drivers) Its a gentle comedy drama called The Intern with Anne Hathaway and Robert DeNero
An Ideal Film for a quiet rainy Sunday
from Going Gently