The Kindness Of Strangers

  This Christmas decoration sold by the New York Met Opera Shop was been sent to me today 
Thank you Sean who lives in Brooklyn who sent it 
I wish I know you to say thank you properly 
You have not sent your address ( email and otherwise) for me to do so 
In your message you said you felt I needed to touch base with New York 
And that was kind 
Thank you 
I do and I have 
Clara should arrive tomorrow 
She will be welcomed so much .

from Going Gently

The Intern

The Intern is a sweet unassuming film
I knew it would be. 
Essentially it’s an old fashioned romcom with the friendship between 70 year old return to work Ben ( Robert DeNero) and his thirty something Internet sales company wunderkind boss Jules ( Anne Hathaway)
as the rom in the con 
The narrative meanders gently from Ben’s quiet and slightly desperate  existence without the stimulation of work to his and Jules’ acceptance that success is a balance between home and work and love life ( but only if you are successful at all three which was a tad disappointing, but it was refreshing enough to have a movie that celebrates the talents and experiences of the older population even though DeNero and Rene Russo ( who pops up briefly as a sexy something 60 year old company masseuse )scrub up nicely.

Hathaway is on her best charming form and is quite lovely in the lead role with DeNero gallantly underplaying his role nicely in support.

Light, frothy and at times very moving…it was a good choice of film, on a quiet Sunday afternoon

from Going Gently

A Quiet Rainy Sunday


Sunday morning.
Coffee and eggs.
The Archers
A walk around the village 
The main road is quieter on Sundays  so Dorothy was able to negotiate our way without the usual hysterics.
Few people are about 
I waved at Nick and velvet voiced Linda who were having breakfast at their kitchen table and to gwawr out in her car. But I saw no one else.
Most of the neat gardens are still retaining their colour.
Stan’s dahlias look marvellous, and the rubekkia at Graham’s are still a stand out but I did notice that the garden around the hall look a little untidy and overgrown . 
I will see if I can get a few volunteers together to help me tidy it up 
The rain started as soon as we got home. 
That fine rain that soaks you immediately .
I’ve ordered a dvd which will, surprisingly will be delivered today ( I thought there was a shortage of delivery drivers) Its a gentle comedy drama called The Intern with Anne Hathaway and Robert DeNero

An Ideal Film for a quiet rainy Sunday

from Going Gently

Sunday Q’s

Sunday questions

Favorite worship song?

Scripture verse?



Happy for the day?

from R's rue