
You must remember the rewind button that was a feature of those old VHS machines. With the tape cassette inside, simply by pressing the rewind button you could power back through the videotape to get back to where you wanted to be.

I have often thought  how splendid it might be if we had rewind buttons for life itself. Most certainly, I would have used my button for a good number of things.

Take road accidents for example. In my life, I have been involved in five minor collisions and one nightmarish  incident where the car I was travelling in turned over at a bend on a  country lane in Perthshire, Scotland. This was at two thirty in the morning. How I clambered out of  that car unscathed I shall never know. With a rewind button I could have erased the minor collisions and saved myself a lot of connected hassle and the scary  incident in Perthshire would never have occurred.

Looking back, we all say stupid or regrettable things - especially when we are young and still finding our way in life.  With a rewind button we could say different things or say nothing at all. Then those wrong words we recall would not continue to echo in our skulls years later.

There are much bigger things we might address with the aid of a rewind button. Earlier in our lives we reached crossroads concerning education, work, ambitions and relationships. Rather like the speaker of  Robert Frost's famous poem, "The Road Not Taken"   we  perhaps found that "Two roads diverged in a yellow wood" and we chose one ahead of the other. But what if we had taken the other road - the road that was more travelled?  How might life have turned out then?

In that bigger regard, I have often wondered  how my life might have turned out if I hadn't gone into teaching. I put my heart and soul into it - so many nights, so many weekends, so many working holidays, so much energy. How might it have been if I had put that energy, that dedication into some other line of work?  Because when I look back, my often unseen labour was about developing the sons and daughters of other people, not about growing myself.  In lots of ways, it was thankless and that's the truth. I had almost forty years of it.

With a rewind button, I could have phoned my father and my oldest brother Paul on the nights before they died and told them how much they meant to me and how I loved them. And of course I could have travelled back in time with the winning National Lottery numbers!

And what about you? If you could press your own rewind button, what might you change? 

from Yorkshire Pudding

Bit Between Our Teeth


The Trelawnyd Community Association of which I am now a trustee has recently taken over responsibility for our village hall, which is at risk of closing
The Memorial Hall is an impressively large building for such a small village and was commissioned at the turn of the century by the deliciously handsome Michael Antonio Ralli. 
Ralli, a Russian from Odessa who was the Greek Consul in Liverpool, strangely made his home in Trelawnyd with his wife Mia and knowing that many of the local men were in need of work , he commissioned a large hall, so that more men would be employed. 


With fuel prices high, the Hall being a listed building and overheads as they are, the association has volunteered to take on a rather big job, but with a new committee of volunteers, we will hit the road running so to speak 
One of the first events was my idea, a large noisy, good natured, alcohol fuelled Village Céilidh, a celebration of a new era 

from Going Gently


 I’m reducing myself to the old Facebook ploy of photographing my lunch.
How sad…..mind you my Thai noodles from a stall in the new Chester Market were bloody lovely, and have brightened a much dark and depressing Tuesday..
I wrote my letters and have drank coffee in the Storyhouse, this morning
And all is ok with the world 

from Going Gently

Love you all

 Smile wide

For you 

Are awake

To seize 

The day

And shine

Like the

Shooting star

You are



And chosen

God’s child

The inheritance

Of eternity

That is yours

Should you


from R's rue