A dog heals a tired soul

I had fallen asleep in the armchair of my yellow living room when a call came over the kitchen wall
It was well past 6 pm in the afternoon!!, I had been asleep hours
I answered it wearing just one croc and with dribble down my t shirt.
Luckily Hattie is made of Sterner  stuff than most .
She wanted  and more importantly needed Mary's company
The little terrier the ideal panacea to awful corona ward shifts at the hospital.

We we chatted I told her of the village street Warden app obsession with the Elon Musk's satellite watch from last night that had wardens around the village ( and indeed the night staff from my hospice) all watching the skies to see the 44 strong satellite train scooting across the Welsh sky at 10pm last night
She said she would have a look at the skies again tonight

But all she really wanted was a friendly supportive chat and a daft dog to spoil and to cuddle and to walk quietly with
And Mary is the ideal foil for stress.
It was lovely to see them both walking down the lane together