
 Mentally turning a corner. I have six nephews and a niece who give me joy. I didn’t birth them, but they are mine. Stuck with me. Seeing them last night on FaceTime gave my soul the smile I temporarily shelved. I cry every day.  I knew my mood would be all over the place after surgery, but really I had no clue. So I’m getting better even if I go through tissues more often than the feminine products I finally trashed. 

Happies today

Tatler magazine 


from R's rue


This is my friend Bert - short for Albert. He's showing off his new false teeth which he picked up last Friday. They have caused him a degree of discomfort but he's getting used to them. Soon he'll be eating normally once more and hopefully putting on a bit of weight. When you are eighty five years old, losing more than a stone in weight because you are without a bottom set of gnashers is surely not good for your general health.

Bert has never had a mobile phone and has never been on a computer for any reason whatsoever. He lives with one foot in the past and can remember being evacuated from London's East End to rural Northamptonshire when he was just a nipper. He can also remember V.E. Day and has a prized photo of a street party with trestle tables and him sitting there amidst the happy people.

He is unfailingly upbeat and positive with a sunny philosophy of life - smile and the world smiles with you...  if you have ailments don't moan about them just try to battle through.... try to look on the bright side of life. He is also a staunch Labour Party supporter and like me he has never voted for any other political party.

Bert worked from the age of thirteen to seventy - always in manual jobs from the tanning industry in Northampton to concrete casting and railway carriage refurbishments in Sheffield . He also recalls with some affection his two years of National Service at Warcop in Cumberland in the 1950's. In fact it's amazing how vivid some of those memories are.

Bert likes to sing songs from long ago such as "Bringing My Baby Back Home", "We'll Meet Again" and "Have You Got a Light Boy?" - a novelty song by The Singing Postman from 1966.

Everybody likes Bert. He's just one of those people who radiates goodwill.

He still manages to trudge up to the pub three nights a week even though he will be 86 years old in November. I suppose there will come a day when his pub visits come to a halt and on that day I shall miss him.

Last night he said:-

"You really like me don't you?"

"Yes I do."

"Is it because I'm an old twat?"

"No. Your age doesn't mean anything to me Bert. I like you because of the man you are and because of your sunny character".

He smiled contentedly at that.

I reckon that I have known Bert for thirty three years. I met him in the pub soon after we moved to this suburb of the city, south of Endcliffe Park by the main road to The Peak District National Park. I am glad  he gave me permission to snap these pictures last night. They were the best of the bunch.

from Yorkshire Pudding

Operation Dog Snot Removal


Typical of most families, mine tends to meet around the matriarch’s home for family meals , birthdays and Christmas . 
It’s what people do.
We congregate around the queen, sometimes the King.
For a change I’m having my sisters, their husbands and my sister in law to dinner on Saturday .My nephew is invited too but he has a social life busier than mine so we will see if he turns up
After covid and my divorce , it will be the first family meal that I’ve hosted 
So there’s a significance here that’s left mostly unsaid , but which screams of emotional importance.

I’m making it easy on myself and going simple 
Aioli and warm Spanish style bread, 
A one pot chicken, rice and chorizo bake, baby lamb chops, soaked in garlic yogurt before cooking , 
Glazed long green beans and “homemade” Spanish ice cream whisky cake
A typical Sitges meal.
Tomorrow I’m initiating Operation Dog Snot Removal like the exercise I used to indulge in , in the days I had in laws to stay.

from Going Gently