25 Things You Didn’t Know About Me

Nora one of my first pigs

We have been playing a game on nights in between turns and meds and lady of the lamp moments 
It’s called things you didn’t know about me 
  • Some specific nursing skills I have include being able to teach spinally injured men to obtain an erection using injectable medication, caverjet.
  • I leaned to swim at the age of 41
  • I am colourblind
  • I have a deformed right index finger 
  • I once ran Three successful 8 week night schools Teaching people how to look after chickens
  • I almost drowned in a swimming pool in loret del mar
  • I have been to New York 12 times
  • I have owned four pigs in my life and have eaten two
  • I have only visited 11 different countries in my life
  • I have had 3 long term relationships with Men and one with a woman
  • I am a natural baritone but sing in the bass section in choir
  • I have kissed two policemen on the lips who were in uniform
  • I have never been arrested
  • I am dyspraxic 
  • I have been Totally paralysed with fear once in my life and had to be led off the Seattle Space Needle’s observation deck by an elderly Japanese lady tourist 
  • I have been present at the birth of 5 babies and one set of twins 
  • I have been off my head on drugs ( mild) just once in my life
  • When I was a bank clerk I never balanced my till once in 2 years
  • I have written a blog almost everyday Since 2006
  • I once had to hold a totally severed leg in theatre
  • I have owned three houses of my own.
  • I didn’t own a dog until I was 40
  • My mother once saved my life when I almost choked to death on a mint imperial 
  • I broke my collar bone when I did a parachute jump
  • I have no middle name

My first and second chicken course students !