Today I drove out to the end of The Hope Valley intending to walk for a couple of hours in the winter sunshine. I parked Clint close to Speedwell Cavern at the eastern end of Winnats Pass.
The picture at the top is the ruin of Hurdlow Barn which must have been connected with historical sheep farming though there was once a lot of lead mining activity in the area.
Above on a high plateau above The Hope Valley - amateur signage pointing the way to the village of Castleton and to Mam Tor which means - the shivering mountain. Here is an image of Mam Tor I captured today...
It was a cold day, hovering around freezing point, so I was glad I had brought my fingerless gloves. A woolly hat would have also been sensible but I didn't bring one with me. Below, the farm sign at the end of the long track that leads to Rowter Farm.
And I spotted this anti-litter sign at the bottom of Winnats Pass. I am no saint but I can say with some certainty that I have never consciously dropped a single piece of litter in my entire life. I guess there are other bloggers and blog visitors who can say just the same. I wonder, do people use the insult "tosser" in other parts of the English speaking world?
Near the end of the walk I had a treacherous descending path to negotiate. Bare limestone can get very slippery and there was mud too. The steep descent was for about fifty yards and I took my time, trying my level best not to fall. I am happy to report that I succeeded.
Halfway down, I sat on a rock to rest for five minutes and another passing rambler asked if I was okay. I said I was as he promptly slipped and fell on his fat arse. The embarrassed look on his face was priceless but luckily the way he fell meant that he did not hurt himself.
Walking up Winnats Pass
from Yorkshire Pudding