
Here they are again - our lovely girls. We look after Margot every Wednesday. She is sixteen months old now, striding around like a little cowgirl who has just clambered off her horse. What a strong little character she is - often verbalising at full volume.

It is as if she has invented her own unique language and appears puzzled that nobody else quite understands it. She can eat for England - her mouth widening into a circle where she expects food to enter forthwith.

Today it was World Book Day and Margot dressed as Little Miss Sunshine for her day at nursery school. You should have seen her all in yellow. What a little darling!

On Thursdays, we look after Phoebe all day. This morning we took her down to Millhouses Park so she could ride her little bicycle along the flat paths there. She is four years and two months old now and like her little sister, she has a strong, determined character.

After expending energy in the children's playground and upon her bicycle, we took her to the popular park cafe where  she enjoyed a "Smarties Pop-Up" ice cream. Later, she went swimming with Shirley and tonight she is having another sleepover with us.

Oh - how we love those little girls and what a privilege it has been both to watch them grow and to play a significant part in their lives. So many laughs. So much joy. Long may it continue.

from Yorkshire Pudding


 With not feeling well, I’m realizing a few things. 

I must slow down. I’m not in a race, and the moment I get in one is the moment I’ve lost. Right now, the most productive I can be is to sit in my recliner as I type. One day of activity results in one day of rest. My body is not normal. I’m not normal.  Learning to listen is key to growth. I’m having to do the hard work of surrendering my will. God knows what I want. I let Him know everyday. What I need is a holy pause. 

If this post doesn’t make sense I’m sorry.  Sometimes the thoughts flow. They ramble at times. Perfection would dictate that I not post this. In my desire to be authentic, I will post this. 

So right now, to get my travel fix, I watch the Amazing Race. To get my need to escape, I read. In my need to not be anxious, I pray, and I just let anxiety be. 

I love you all. 

Love yourself and one another

from R's rue