We have all heard of Confucius but that wasn't his real name. His proper name was Kong Qiu. The Latinized version of his name was coined in the sixteenth century - long after Kong Qiu lived in this world. He was born in 551 BC and died in 479 BC. If you want to learn more about him, visit his page on Wikipedia.
Most people only know the name Confucius and we are also aware that he had some wise things to say as he reflected on life. Here are three of his typical sayings...
The three above are pretty well-known sayings but here are three recently discovered and unfamiliar quotes by the great man:-
Okay, I admit - I was just jesting. Why not have a go at making up your own amusing Confucius meme and leaving it in the Comments section. Remember, Confucius he say:- "Folk who do not leave funny Confucius quotes are boring old farts!"
from Yorkshire Pudding https://ift.tt/WwGmhjD