

That's Margot in Glasgow. At almost eight months old, she is getting used to the idea of eating though I rather suspect that she would prefer to live on a milky diet for the rest of her life.

She remains the most pleasant of babies. Smiles emanate freely from her and when she wakes from a nap, she never cries. Instead, she looks around noticing whatever is in her line of vision. There is an air of peacefulness about her. Will it last? I don't know but a person's character starts to form when they are very young.

My "Song for Margot" acquired more words in Glasgow:

Life's just a passing show
You stand there in the light 
Then wave and say good night.
High up in the sky
Clouds are drifting by
And if perchance they cry
It rains.

Following the poonami  and subsequent clear up at the motorway services near Carlisle, I was holding Margot by a table when an older woman stopped by and said, "What a beautiful baby! She has lovely eyes!" I couldn't help responding that in spite of her loveliness she had just filled her nappy with ochre-coloured poo.

I arrived at this keyboard late tonight because I watched the entire Coldplay set from Glastonbury. It finished just before midnight. They performed  consummately as one might expect from such a seasoned and successful band with their own special sound. Chris Martin, the lead singer, is a clever and indefatigable showman. He held that massive crowd in the palm of his hand. Here they are:-

from Yorkshire Pudding

Use it


I’m uncomfortable. You know why. I’m pushing past the fear. The insecurity that has plagued me. Something my sister said to me made me mad, but it was the truth. I’ve let my attitude towards Cerebral Palsy govern my life, but You given me a talent many want, but don’t have. So while I do suffer with doubt that I can do it, deep down I know it’s a lie. I’m more than able to do this. I just won’t have instant success or gratification.   Learning to deal with that is where I’m at in the moment. I have to trust and use the gift.  Water it. Like you water me. 

Water me Lord

My life

Your Will

Your Way

Finally surrendering

My need

To know

The if and when

And trust

In the Name

That reigns


from R's rue