Christmas Eve


The nativity left by my friend Ben at work

It is quiet in the hospice tonight. The staff ordered a Chinese meal for supper which we shared with one of our younger patients . The only patient who could manage to eat.
He was worried about his erratic blood sugars but the prospect of a sweet and Sour ball finally won him over.
He cleared his plate.

It’s a funny day Christmas Eve isn’t it? ...and to be honest most of mine will be in bed with a neurotic bulldog glued to my body. But if you are not busy with traditional preparations , the day tends to be a time for reflection and of memory.

I don’t want to be haunted by melancholy thoughts tonight, for it is still the night when I write this and only minutes ago I have just stroked the hair of someone muddled and restless until they fell asleep...
I miss my hair stroked 

Hey ho

Do you remember Christmas Eve last year ? I was working here, on the same shift
And at roughly this time, I stood and listened to a colleague singing with a patient .
The patient was sipping Sherry and my colleague had a voice worthy of any Welsh Chorister and the moment was as magical as anything Disney could have envisioned.
I am remembering those thoughts. 

It’s a different Christmas for all of us, this year and it’s been a funny old 2020 all told too....and show girl that I am , Ive decided to listen to Judy sing as I sit in the dark.
She says it better than anyone 


from Going Gently

Merry Christmas

 Merry Christmas 

My friends 


To all

Love and joy

As I trust 

In you

My Lord

This beautiful 


from R's rue