
It is sometimes said that Missouri is the most forgotten state in America. Ask someone to make a list of the fifty states and Missouri is the one that is most likely to be left out.

Although the geographical centre of the contiguous states is located near Lebanon, Kansas, the ever shifting mean centre of population is close to Hartville, Missouri. That's the town that I wish to explore a little in this blogpost with thanks to Google Streetview for allowing me to have a nice look round the sleepy settlement in Wright County.

Here's the steel plaque that endows Hartville with its fairly new found status:-
Hartville is a good name for a town that in at least one respect is the very heart of America. It has a population of 594 people with 24% of those citizens living below the official poverty line. Here we are in downtown Hartville:-
To the south of the town is a civil war battle site. Below, the information boards explain the Battle of Hartville which occurred over three days in January 1863. Seven union soldiers were killed outright and eleven confederates. Many more were injured.
Below, in terms of architecture and history, this is surely the most important house in Hartville. It is known as the Kelton House - reconstructed in 1895 and placed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1983.
In my Streetview car I drove by this much humbler home on South Mabon Avenue...
At Casey's General Store close to the town centre you might want to pick up a gun along with your bread, milk and cornflakes. Perhaps a box of bullets too. To British people, the idea of this is quite appalling.
This is "The Tradin' Post" on the edge of town complete with shop and coffee shop. Maybe they sell guns too.
Here's the city hall. I tried to find a photo of Mayor Rob Tucker but failed comprehensively...
But I did find this picture of Holly Cooke who was a teacher in the area. Tragically, she was killed in June of this year when, driving her car, she apparently swerved to avoid a cow on the highway. No other vehicle was involved. Holly was not wearing a seatbelt but thankfully her ten year old son was and he survived the crash. She was just thirty one years old and she leaves a husband and three children behind to try to move on without her. I am sure that other bloggers and visitors will wish to join me in sending them our very best wishes.
Holly Cooke

from Yorkshire Pudding https://ift.tt/MDKk3m2


 The bucking bronc

Flies me around

The arena


Than he

Was let

Out of

The Shute

Brass buckled


Laced in mud

And manure

Now the scent

That permeates

The hair

That was so 

Coiffed and pretty

Now looks

Like a stiff wind

Shook it up

More than

Than that


In the 

Martini shaker

I’m well shaken

Not stirred

Mr. Bond

Not that 

I ever was 

A show pony

With pedigree

More mustang

Than thoroughbred

My breeding stock

Reads like

A serving of 

Pickled herring

And the 

Cheapest vodka


from R's rue https://ift.tt/xXOI0nH


 Give me strength

To follow

The path

The steady



The flashy


Not needed

Just a quiet

Resolve and desire

To do right

Love fiercely

Walk humbly

Until the dreams

In the center

Of the chest

Are outward manifestations

Of Your love

from R's rue https://ift.tt/htSse2F