
Although my favourite colour is yellow
My favourite flower is the Bluebell.......
Bluebells have featured often in the background of my life.
My garden has 6 bunches of Bluebells, one lovingly  transferred from my previous home in Sheffield, a plant stolen from the grounds of Chatsworth House in Derbyshire over 18 years ago.

In my kitchen stands proud a large collection of Art Deco Burleigh Ware pottery of varying designs. 
My favourite is, of course , Bluebell ...a few splashes of blue, black and green, beautifully simple and beautifully pleasing. 

My car is called Bluebell and she stands for everything positive at a time in my life I had very little and as a child one of my favourite place to play was in Bluebell wood , a small copse of trees located on the hillside between Prestatyn and Gronant. . 
My grandparents are buried near the same Bluebell Wood, their headstone facing their beloved Liverpool.

Every Early May I would often go to Bodnant Gardens as the Bluebells would be out and old readers of 
Going Gently May remember The last Mabel Post with a visit to the wonderful Bluebell Wood

The first painting my husband and I bought together was a gentle Victorian watercolour of a Bluebell wood . I miss it so. I miss it because it is so beautiful and subtle and understated and I loved it so that we immediately chose it together......
He took it when he left and I miss looking at it with a strange visual-ish  grief

Last year I split a large garden knot of Bluebells from my garden and planted it in the corner of the old graveyard. This year I will check if it has been taken 
And started a new colony of gentle blue just opposite to the cottage windows 

from Going Gently


 In nature’s stillness

A lovely soliloquy 


And on the 

Angelic whispers

I come alive

In knowledge 

That my footsteps

Are never 


For in

The Christ child 

Scarred beginnings 

Have uncannily 

Beautiful endings

In weakness 

Comes strength 

In surrender


from R's rue


 The scenic vista

Of  the soaring waves

That ebb as I appear

I am a molecule 

In the grandeur 

That is creation

I envision 

A Tuscan countryside 

Made real

All those 

Years ago

Who knew

When a dream

Becomes reality

It’s possibility 


And is etched 

In memory 


from R's rue


 I had a dream about my grandmother last night.
She was reciting a rhyme, one that she taught me as a child.
When I woke I remembered it, in its entirety 
Has anyone heard this before? 

I went to my grandmother's garden
I went to my grandmother's garden,
and I found an Irish Farthing,
I gave it to my mother,
who bought a little brother,
The brother was so cross,
We put him on a hoss,
the horse was such a dandy,
we gave him a glass of brandy,
the brandy was too strong,
we put it in a pond,
the pond was too deep,
we put it on a heap,
the heap was too high,
we put it in a pie,
the pie was too little ,
we put it in a kettle,
the kettle had a spout ,
and they all jumped out! 

What rhyme do you remember?

from Going Gently