Suck my feet

Every Sunday or at least once a week Velvet Voiced Linda sends out a generic text to all of the village street wardens via our Warden App.
In drips and drabs come the 👍🏼😘 , and "all well down Cwm Road" messages until all chicks have chirped a reply to mother hen over in Well Street.
The safety net seems to be working well and there is much talk about a party in the memorial hall once things are over.
But it's not over
And our lives have shrunk so much that tiny snippets of contact or news has become significant and interesting.
Village Elder Islwyn is mowing the new graveyard and it looks as neat as a pin. Sue has removed one of my field  ponies leaving the remaining youngsters whinning into the wind and I moved back into the kitchen when Polish Monika's post toddler daughter dangled herself over the garden wall to try to kiss the bulldogs' heads
What day is it?
I have had to think
I ran out of milk yesterday but watched my films instead of going out.


Ship of fools

I watched the Julia Roberts weep fest that was Wonder - the story of a disfigured boy's acceptance into a main stream school after The Guerney Literary and potatoe Peel  pie Society and dove tailed that by the late night classic Ship Of Fools 
A silly late night given my overwhelming tiredness yesterday.

This afternoon, I have fallen asleep on the couch listening to Islwyn's lawn mower
Dorothy has licked my feet spotless and has also gently nibbled my red bunion until I couldn't take it anymore .
Having your bunion nibbled by a bulldog with a tongue the size of a giraffe's is a rare treat!

I talked to my friend Nu yesterday , who reported life on one of London's busiest ITU's has quietened somewhat
And I have read more and slept more than I ever thought possible.
Is it really Monday today?

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