A Long Time Dead

I usually listen to LBC Radio when I’m sitting down to my bucket of coffee and now much reduced breakfast , but there seems a lot of shouting everywhere at the moment. Shouting on the tv, on radio, in real life and in blogging, that I’ve turned on classic fm.
To be honest that was all a bit much too and so I’m now sat in silence 

Last night David Sidaris discussed how he was once berated by a woman for talking about vaginas. He made  a simple enough point, for as a fifteen year old aide in a psychiatric hospital he was once witness to a naked 80 year old woman having “ therapy” a scene which would have turned himself gay if he hadn’t been gay already. 
The point of his essay was simple, for when David left the sadness and restrictions of covid lockdown, the complainer’s power was diminished to nothing. 
I get this…covid was poisonous in so many ways 

Last night, a friend phoned. Like me they have just entered their seventh decade and they were feeling it, like I do after two long day shifts. 
They talked about feeling on the last lap of life so to speak, where they needed to do all those things they’d planned to do, before age and illness and covid and the like could stop them.
I recognised this feeling 
That last Hurrah kind of feeling.
So what do you want to do ?” I asked.
I want to see the Sagrada Familia” they said 
Feelings intertwine..they always do. Mortality, and age and real life and post covid lethargy and a sense of a clock ticking…

“So let’s go” I said

And so we are going to see it in July!  

from Going Gently https://ift.tt/mAxH0q8

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