Darling John

 “ Darling John! “ was all I needed to hear, I never even had my mobile on speaker phone, but “darling” resonated through the air like birdcall and I knew who it was before the phone went to my ear.
Chic Eleanor was excited and you could almost make out the wild sweep of her pashmina as she called down the phone “ Darling John, dinner is booked for Friday 7.30 ! Sara and Pask are coming too so it will quite the reunion” 
I smiled. The last time we all met up was last summer where we had an Italian dinner party in our friends’ garden. 
“ I will be there “ I told her and she burst into happy laughter
“How joyous , friends , good food and lots of wine ........” she sang out

Oh I wish I could bottle Eleanor’s positive nature. She has the enviable ability to be able to see the world in a wholly good and efficacious way.
She is charming without ever being false 

So that’s Friday booked . Thursday I am meeting my friend Colin for supper and cinema.
We are going to see A Quiet Place 2 which has got rave reviews, a rarity for a movie sequel. I shall be back writing proper film reviews , a thing I have sorely missed .
The rest of the time I’m on night shifts

On Saturday I’m catching up with another old friend Nigel, but not before I go to the first of the village Coffee mornings which will be back in the Memorial Hall. I had an idea that the villagers could organise an “ impromptu “ get together soon on the green with people bringing their own food and drink.
We will see if it gets off the ground....
I’ve very good at giving my ideas to everyone else to run with.

from Going Gently https://ift.tt/3w0IEa5

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