
Sometimes I feel I’m slowly morphing into Elaine Stritch
No ,I haven’t got a voice like glass strewn sandpaper, 
No, I don’t breathe whiskey fumes from behind eye glasses the size of the Titanic’s portholes
And no I don’t burst into a rendition of I’m Still Here every time the fridge door is opened 
But we do have something in common, with this old Broadway Babe and that is humour.
I have used humour all my life, well later on in my life as I , like Stritch admitted in her famous 2008 interview with Robert Faires. 
You make people laugh and you can get them to do anything for you she rasped 
My family may question this statement as they have experienced a more reflective, quieter John these past few years , but in general I can perform just as stridently as the old hoofer with an attitude, when the wind is in the right direction and the mood takes me.
And people like to laugh, and smile and giggle
It’s a powerful skill, especially in nursing

Strange as it may seem, like Stritch I have hardly any memory of life before I was eleven.
I am sure there are psychologists from all over who would have a lot to say about that one

I’ve just been making a co worker laugh after an ok shift
You won’t go to heaven
She told me in between giggles
I hope not I said, channelling my best Stitch, scenery munching expression

from Going Gently

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