But Is It Art?

 IKEA is shite for its art 
So I’ve spent a while getting ideas for decorating my office on line 
These are my three finalists around which the office will be based on 
I’m wavering between the bottom two

from Going Gently https://ift.tt/exXBq4C


 Spinach pitas




Long walks

A lovely day


from R's rue https://ift.tt/X0Zdx4W


I’m in IKEA 
Not a good idea as it’s nose to nipple in here
I’ve driven a friend to a funeral outside Warrington and will pick them up after the “ do” after the service.
Now I’m eating Schnitzel 
IKEA does nice Schnitzel and coffee.
I’ve bought German sausages for the dogs , several house plants and a chair .
Not much else to report until I’m home

from Going Gently https://ift.tt/pdrZf75


The image above was supplied by Walter Baxter of Galashiels in The Scottish Borders. I commissioned a photograph of a laughing horse and Walter duly snapped this one on a hillside near North Berwick in the Lothian region of Scotland. It will form the design basis for Laughing Horse Awards widgets due to be distributed once again on the last day of the year.

Sponsored by The Yorkshire Pudding Company, The Laughing Horse Awards have become the most prestigious awards in the blogging calendar. Most readers of this blogpost will be aware of Laughing Horse's history - stretching way back into the mists of time.

Each year special blogging awards are distributed before the overall "Blogger of the Year" is announced. Previous winners are listed below. Several are still with us, blogging away in a  dutiful manner while others have fallen by the wayside. 

The  Roll  of  Honour...

2008 – Arthur Clewley for “Arthur Clewley”

2009 – Daphne Franks for “My Dad’s a Communist”

2010 – John Gray for “Going Gently”

2011 – Ian Rhodes for “Shooting Parrots”

2012 – Kate Steeds for "The Last Visible Dog"

2013 – Tom Gowans for “A Hippo on the Lawn”

2014 – Meike Riley for “From My Mental Library”

2015 – Lee George for “Kitchen Connection”

2016 – Steve Reed for “Shadows and Light”

2017 - Keith Kline for "Hiawatha House"

2018 - Mary Moon for "Bless Our Hearts"

2019 - Jenny O'Hara for "Procrastinating Donkey"

2020 - Cro Magnon for "Magnon's Meanderings"

2021 - Andrew de Melbourne for "High Riser" (Now "From The High Rise")

These are the last days of 2022 and soon this challenging year will peter out. For those of us who  inhabit Blogworld  and gain pleasure, sustenance, interest and even friendship from it, it is good to look back and evaluate the journeys we have taken over the last twelve months. Often blogging and the reading of other people's blogs have proven to be welcome distractions from the woes of our planet.

From time to time, we all need encouragement and The Laughing Horse Awards seek to provide some of that precious commodity.  Winners and The Overall Blogger of the Year will be announced on New Year's Eve.

from Yorkshire Pudding https://ift.tt/9mHtTSC