
I am really pleased with that first picture. It was taken not long after we arrived at Flamborough this afternoon. It is over thirty years since I last descended the mighty chalk promontory known as Flamborough Head to visit that particular cove. It is called North Landing.

The North Sea was like a millpond but you could sense a change in the air. Over on the horizon, distant rain showers were slanting.
Do you see those boats pulled up on the beach? I took a picture of the side paintwork of one of them with the white rose of Yorkshire proudly displayed...
Nearby, up on the chalk promontory, there are dozens of quirky old shacks or chalets like this one. It is called "Cliff View" and I doubt that anybody has been inside it in ten years. Some of the properties are bijou homes and others are occasional holiday retreats..
But this is where we are staying - at the end of a former barn. Our unit is called  Nightingale Cottage and it is most comfortable inside. We are here for four nights.

from Yorkshire Pudding



Grant me 

Your joy 

Your hope

And all

You desire

For me

from R's rue