Naturally, quizzes at "The Hammer and Pincers" have a British bias. That's because we are in Britain and the pub quizzers are all British. However, here in the blogosphere, quizzers come from all over the world though I must admit I have never had any visitors from Nyasaland - called Malawi since 1963.
Seeking fairness, I wanted to find a quiz theme that would not be biased towards any particular country. Suddenly, in a flash of celestial inspiration, I thought - I know - the human body! After all we have all got human bodies haven't we?
So here goes...
- How many chambers are there in the human heart?
- What is the medical, latinate term for the kneecap?
- Which sense organ allows us to smell?
- What is the name of the pipe that takes food from the mouth to the stomach?
- Where is your achilles tendon located?
- Which organ of the body secretes insulin?
- Where in the human body will you find a liquid called aqueous humour/humor?
- With reference to adult humans, if stretched out in a line, what is the average combined length of the large and small intestines? (a) 5 feet (b)20 feet or (c)37feet
- Where in the human body will you find the incus or anvil bone?
- What is the pollex commonly known as?
As usual, answers are given in the "Comments" section.
from Yorkshire Pudding