
Naturally, quizzes at "The Hammer and Pincers" have a British bias. That's because we are in Britain and the pub quizzers are all British. However, here in the blogosphere, quizzers come from all over the world though I must admit I have never had any visitors from Nyasaland - called Malawi since 1963.

Seeking fairness, I wanted to find a quiz theme that would not be biased towards any particular country. Suddenly, in a flash of celestial inspiration, I thought - I know - the human body! After all we have all got human bodies haven't we?

So here goes...

  1. How many chambers are there in the human heart?
  2. What is the medical, latinate term for the kneecap?
  3. Which sense organ allows us to smell?
  4. What is the name of the pipe that takes food from the mouth to the stomach?
  5. Where is your achilles tendon located?
  6. Which organ of the body secretes insulin?
  7. Where in the human body will you find a liquid called aqueous humour/humor?
  8. With reference to adult humans, if stretched out in a line, what is the average combined length of the large and small intestines?   (a) 5 feet  (b)20 feet   or (c)37feet
  9. Where in the human body will you find the  incus or anvil bone?
  10. What is the pollex commonly known as?
As usual, answers are given in the "Comments" section.

from Yorkshire Pudding https://ift.tt/lFfLh0P

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