
Above - that may look like a scene deep in the English countryside but those stone gateposts and that wooden gate are on a busy roundabout in an area of Sheffield called Hunter's Bar. It is a twelve minute walk from this house. In fact it is that gate that gave the suburb its name. As long ago as the seventeenth century it was on a turnpike road and it caused travellers on horseback or pulling carts or leading teams of packhorses to stop and pay their tolls. Presumably, at some time the Hunter family or a man called Hunter operated the gate.

Below, on Sharrowvale Road at Hunter's Bar, it really did feel like spring today. Two women are taking their lunch outside a vegan cafe.

Below - a woman is pausing to choose a potted plant from the florist's shop just along from the vegan cafe.
The pub below is "The Porter Cottage". I was a regular there in 1978 when I first came to live in Sheffield. It was just down from the rental house where I stayed with four women. Back then, it was a regular neighbourhood pub for people of all ages but now it very much caters for younger adults and university students. I haven't been in there for years.
Just off Sharrowvale Road  I snapped this wall art specially for Andrew in Melbourne, Australia...
Still on Sharrowvale Road, there's Hunter's Bar Primary School to the right and to the left "The Greedy Greek" restaurant and takeaway..
Below, on the corner of Hickmott Road and Neill Road,I looked over to the "Feline"  tattoo studio and considered what I might request. Perhaps a Hull City tiger on my chest or a fox on my back, pursued by hunters on horseback and the fox "going to earth" to escape them if you see what I mean.
Hunter's Bar s a pretty affluent, buzzing neighbourhood with plenty of independent shops and eateries including takeaways, four pubs and a happy atmosphere. It feels safe and when I count up, I realise that it has been a familiar feature of my life for the past forty five years.

from Yorkshire Pudding


 Had a doctor’s appointment yesterday. 

Here’s what I learned

I need the hard truth. 

I need the facts

Answers will come when I need them

CP is static. That’s great. I can’t reverse the damage it did.  It did damage. The amount, I will never know. I really don’t want to know. When the doc said, at least you can walk. He’s right. Walking is a privilege. I may tire easily, but that’s okay. I just want to be grateful for what I can do. I compared myself against a world I can’t identify with. 

Acceptance comes when you don’t know it will. 

Love yourself and one another. 

from R's rue