
Bob Dylan is 82 years old tomorrow, May 24th. It is my son-in-law's birthday too. It was also my mother's birthday and the day that Hull City first reached the English Premier League in 2008. It was also Queen Victoria's birthday and it is or was Empire Day. 

Getting back to the living legend who is Dylan, back in 1964 when he was still 22, he appeared on "Tonight" on the BBC, introduced rather unenthusiastically by presenter Cliff Michelmore. He sang "With God on Our Side" so purely - a bitterly ironic anthem  that was laced with accusation and hope for a better, more peaceful world

Dylan's one time girlfriend Joan Baez said of this song upon first hearing it, "I never thought anything so powerful could come out of that little toad":-

Oh my name it ain't nothin'
My age it means less
The country I come from
Is called the Midwest
I was taught and brought up there
The laws to abide
And that the land that I live in
Has God on its side

Happy birthday Bob and Mum and Stewart and Victoria!

from Yorkshire Pudding

Laburnum and Marina

 Mrs Trellis was more chatty today. She was hurrying because she’d left stew simmering but stopped long enough to call “ Your Laburnum is glorious “ over her privet.
I went to see it 
Indeed it does look glorious 

This afternoon I drove to Conwy Marina to meet my college friends for dinner. I’ve never been to the marina before and it was as glorious as my laburnum. 

from Going Gently



The mystery

And the miracle

When mixed together

Bring the brightest sunshine

The most cleansing rain

The joy

The gain

That is found

When one

Stops searching

And starts


from R's rue



It’s your child

Coming to you

Not to complain

Or ask why

I’m just thanking

You in advance

For the miracles

You will work

In my life

from R's rue


People can be rather sniffy about animated films, but I think the above clip clearly shows what little works of art they can be.
Last night I watched Coco the Disney/Pixar Mexican themed romp set on the festival Night of the Dead and it’s evident now that casting now in all films is country appropriate .
To me this doesn’t  quite go far enough as I think the film could have been made in Spanish with subtitles but America just doesn’t do subtitles .

from Going Gently