
Common spotted orchid near Ansty

The wedding happened last Saturday. Richard was the bridegroom - a good friend to both Frances and Stewart from their primary school days here in Sheffield. He was also our paper boy in his early teens. His bride was Tiffany from Frome in Somerset - not too far away from Tisbury - the charming Wiltshire village where the wedding took place and where we stayed in an Airbnb cottage.

Shirley and I left the wedding venue at around 6.30pm with Little Phoebe in order to bathe her and get her to bed at a suitable time. I did not consume any alcohol as I had agreed to return to the venue at midnight in order to pick up mummy and daddy. Taxis are very expensive in that neck of the woods as there are no local firms.

Besides, I really didn't mind because I was looking forward to a long country walk on Sunday morning and it is always nice to be clear-headed when out  rambling.

I set off from Tisbury soon after nine o'clock - not requiring Clint's vehicular services. What a joy it was to be out on a beautiful June morning in unfamiliar territory plodding some nine or ten miles before my circuitous route was complete.

I saw many things and felt a rush of contentment as I strolled along. There were no other walkers around and some of the paths were obviously rarely trodden. I had to keep my inbuilt satnav switched on to avoid wrong turns or unnecessary detours.

The walk left me with one regret. I passed the wooded slopes of Castle Ditches Fort but made no attempt to reach the upper plateau area which happens to be private land these days.. With a a forty minute diversion I know I could have found my way up there. Castle Ditches was an Iron Age hill fort - probably constructed around 1200BC - long after Silbury Hill - but still an important ancient site. A great deal of labour must have gone into enhancing the natural defensive qualities of that hill - with ditches and encircling embankments. So many stories are concealed at Castle Ditches - never to be related.

I walked back into the Airbnb at one thirty. Frances, Stew and Phoebe had already left , heading north with Charlotte who had stayed in a different village. After a rest and some refreshment Shirley and I headed out to Fonthill House for the remainder of the afternoon. I may blog about that tomorrow.

Old Wardour Castle

A view of Ansty

Signpost in Ansty

Sunken path heading towards Castle Ditches

The font in St Peter's Church, Swallowcliffe

from Yorkshire Pudding https://ift.tt/KafAxVB


 Tell me your wins for the day

Picked vegetable

Well water tastes so good

So many pen pals.  

Your turn

from R's rue https://ift.tt/I5pKSAn

In The Office

 My office window is full of houseplants. 
They shield me from the view of the nasty new cottage behind Bwthyn y Llan 
I’ve been meeting my fellow students on line this morning. 
I start my counselling course in September.
I particularly liked the look of two of them. 
Kind faces, nice way about them.

I had to sneak off for a few minutes as there was an urgent knock at the door, One villager I know was having a bit of a panic attack and suddenly needed to go to the next village for a prescription. 
We have just arrived back all calm. 
Calming panic attacks is something I do well…I have the boring voice for it.

An old friend is coming to lunch in half an hour and so I’m making her a chicken and mango salad to eat outside in the sun. 
I’m catching up with another friend later. 
But I said I won’t be eating or drinking alcohol if I go out. 
I want to lose some weight 

I have always been chunky but once in the groove that is healthy eating I can shed the pounds like a good un…..my downfall is shift work where discipline goes out of the window when tiredness and apathy take over. 
( and before the lectures start , I don’t begrudge my haggis and black pudding breakfast in Findhorn the other morning….it was bloody lovely) 

Before my guest arrives, I’ve managed to book tickets for a guided tour of the Colosseum for Saturday. Fabio the concierge from our hotel suggested it.  We have been corresponding by email for weeks now like clandestine lovers. He works the night shift and likes to add to his emails, little flourishes of interaction , such as “ John ! You are emailing late this evening” and “ I hope you are not flying easyJet, always a poor service given” 
I may be a sad sack and send him a Christmas card…..

I feel happy today. Happy that things seem to be clicking into place. 
My nephew has just informed me that the Dr Who experience ,I had  treated him to in between comic con visits was cancelled ….I’ve booked us to see My Fair Lady instead which will be nice as neither of us has never seen it. 
I’m so pleased, I thought I might have been all Sci fi-ed out! 

from Going Gently https://ift.tt/vwDe01y