The arboretum we like to walk around is up in Running Springs, about 25 minutes from the house.  Last year at this time we could walk and there was very little snow.  This year we haven't been able to get out yet and go check it out - but I know the paths will be totally snowed out and I would rather wait to walk it until the melt 

I imagined what it would look like in a week or two if we get no more snow and if a good melt happens.  The altitude is about 6500 feet I believe, so it will be slow going unless we get a lot of sun.  Actually though, we are predicted to get quite a bit of rain in a few days.   This dog who I put in is just a random dog  that I like to think lives there and guards against intruders who would come up, play in the snow, leave their trash and go home which happens every time we get snow in the mountains.  It's understandable that people want to bring their kids to play in the snow but the amount of trash left behind all along the mountain roads is ridiculous - everything from broken plastic sleds to dirty diapers.    This dog will NOT put up with it.

I actually enjoyed sketching this as I am still house bound today with a frozen road.  It took some time to sketch so there's only about 3 1/2 hours left of sunlight and then I can go to bed ...just kidding. ....kind of..