
 What the?

This is one of my most prized possessions. It sits high up in a corner of our kitchen with its four little legs standing on the plastic conduit to the fan above our hob. To give you a better sense of scale, I have now briefly placed it on that hob before putting it back  where it has belonged for many years.
Many's the time I thought about featuring this unique, handmade item in this blog and at last I have got round to it but what is it? Please put your ideas in the comments section or write something like "I am completely flummoxed!" or "I have no frigging idea!"

from Yorkshire Pudding https://ift.tt/T3xNI8t



The petals


Them round

The thumbs


In this sensuous moment

That my mind

Is only

On the moment

In front of me

The scent of sweetness

Is in a pink hydrangea

That screams

Nantucket Sound 

from R's rue https://ift.tt/czALH5l


 I’ve always thought God why do you allow me to weather pain. Some say I do it well. Some don’t agree. I wonder if I should take a poll. I happen to come up on an Instagram story that tries to explain what pain does. He said “Pain prepares you for your purpose”.  Since birth God has prepared me for my purpose. I’m no longer denying what I know. I still experience pain, because my purpose needs tweaking. True time under tension as my exercise app says. No tension. No refinement. No reflection. I don’t wish you pain, but if brings about your purpose, bear it. 

from R's rue https://ift.tt/T1OnDSh