As an unashamed Americophile, I like to keep a close eye on what is happening on the other side of The Atlantic.
In recent years, the political scene has certainly been lively. You have probably heard that a special prosecutor has prepared legal charges against the 45th president over his role in the insurrection of January 6th 2021. Trump has some very serious and thoroughly legitimate questions to answer in a court of law.
The most recent charges are supplementary to other legal cases in which Trump is involved. To tell you the truth, I am surprised that there are not more charges against him concerning his business dealings and the cunning games he has played with taxation officials over decades- simply to avoid paying his dues.
In all of this, I am flabbergasted that Trump remains by far the most popular presidential candidate that the Republicans are able to offer up. I have seen several American voters in vox pop TV interviews expressing their continuing support for Trump, effectively forgiving him his many sins and implying that the legal pressures upon him are all just part of a massive witch-hunt by the Democrats in league with the American justice system.
What is wrong with them?
Trump once said that he could shoot someone in the middle of 5th Avenue and not lose any voters. And do you know - I think he may be right! The nincompoops who support Trump would probably still support him if there was hard evidence of him selling nuclear weapon secrets to North Korea or robbing Fort Knox or sexually abusing children in Trump Tower. In his supporters' eyes, it seems that even the worst kind of mud will not stick to Trump. He is like the leader of a crazy cult.
I wish the army of followers would step aside for a while and ask themselves some simple questions, including:-
- In essence, is Trump a good and decent man?
- What did he actually achieve during his tenure as president?
- How is his mental health?
The USA was and is a great country - a land of opportunity and a beacon of democracy. It is terrible to see its present divisions and the way that the ongoing Trump Problem is dragging the great nation down. Rather than "Making America Great Again", Trump and his people seem to be ensuring its moral demise and its descent into bitter wrangling, shame and unhappiness as they unashamedly twist the truth.
What do you think?
from Yorkshire Pudding