Meirion gave me a lecture the other day about my downpipe.
He’s sweet, but has a habit of giving me a lecture about things.
It’s irritating because he is invariably right in what he says.
Those sort of conversations always are.
“ You’ll get damp in the upstairs bedroom if that leaks anymore” he noted seriously
I nodded, also seriously and promised to get it sorted
He’d already suggested that I stake my graveyard laburnum
I promised to do that, but haven’t got around to it.
Even though I’m a great list maker I still have lots to do
The downpipe does need fixing , but I am not the girl to do it.
I cannot go up ladders to save my life.
I’m terrified of heights even ones just ten feet from the ground.
I am a right wuss.
I suffer from the syndrome The Call Of The Void
That’s where you get the urge to jump from very high spaces
Luckily Facebook came to my aid and a quick plea for a handyman with his own ladder brought forth an offer of help, this time from said handyman’s partner who lives in the village.
I hate it when workmen come around, I try to go all butch and understanding
Winnie just to blow them kisses.
So on nights I am making more lists
The downpipe is number one, and I’ve messaged partner to organise a meeting for me
Second on my list isn’t the laburnum, I’m being bolshy about that one and am ignoring the suggestion.
Third, is the office walls which need repainting, the impetus for that is the new Bauhaus picture which will lovely of a muted yellow wall
I still haven’t finished my revalidation paperwork too……that was a job for tonight
I’ve spent too long doing other things……..typical…in between patient care, I’ve been booking theatre and cinema tickets…..hey ho
There is fourteen things on my list
Buying a ladder will not be one of them.
from Going Gently